Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive Thinking

If you can’t stop your brain from thinking about certain thoughts or repeating particular behaviors over and over again, it’s may be called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD.

A great deal of research has shown there are particular areas in the front of the brain that are often implicated in this problem. When that part of the brain runs too slow or too fast, the person is unable to switch gears, or to put on the brakes. Literally they can’t stop thinking or doing something even when they try.

Sometimes medications help, but often they don’t. Also, all medications have certain side effects that can occur.

A logical solution is – why not change the part of the brain that is “stuck” so it can turn off the constant repetition of thoughts, or behaviors can stop.

That technology now exists using neurofeedback. Many clients and therapists who use neurofeedback have reported very good success in reducing OCD after training their clients. In essence, it trains the individual’s brain to “shut it off.” As an alternative to medications, neurofeedback can often help people reduce or eliminate drugs as their brains become more stable.

Dr. Tanju Surmeli, a psychiatrist world-renowned for his research in neurofeedback and psychological disorders, explains the results of a study of 36 patients with OCD in an interview with Mike Cohen, Director of the Center for Brain Training.

Listen to the audio clip: Dr. Surmeli on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Patients report after training, they don’t really have to work at shutting down thoughts or behaviors as much. Their mind is much more quiet. The brain is able to manage these issues in a more normal and healthy way after training.

It’s one of the most exciting new interventions that is available for OCD. Unfortunately, most physicians and therapists are unfamiliar with the technology and its application to OCD. It’s complex and takes a lot of education for professionals to adopt it. At Canyon Vista Clinics, we have been studying and working with neurofeedback technology for many years and can help you assess whether it can be helpful for your situation.